Saturday, August 30, 2014

This story is about the 200,000 people who have been screwed over in the biggest scam in the history of our province.  At a time when they were most vulnerable after a horrific car accident, they were faced with the real horror story; no treatment, no benefits.  I am counting on the fact one of these days, those 200,000 poor souls and all their family and friends will rise up and serve up some real Ontario style justice to the criminals that stole their lives away. This is for those poor souls who suffered while the real insurance scammers lined their pockets with billions they stole from the people of Ontario.

It was right around this time when I took up the cause, a drunk driver hit Suzanne's car so hard it shot 100 down the road, she broke through the driver''s seat and snapped her head into the back seat.  She survived that, the real horror story had just started.  The papers were full of stories of families being ruined because some drunk ran into their car leaving them unable to work.  With the new insurance laws that were just passed, folks lost their homes, the repo man took away the cars, and their kids had to leave college because of this new breed of criminal insurance companies.  Daylight robbery, they took your money pretty fast, but when it came time to paying for rehab and lifetime disabilities; good luck pal.  22 years later, I am out here largely by myself building the file, because one day they will end up in front of a jury, and I will be there to testify against them, and put them behind bars where they belong.

This same story has happened to tens of thousands of people for the last 22 years.  They get away with it , because everybody is too afraid to speak up against them.  They might get a little of what our family got for the past 22 years, death threats on my computer and phone.  Had to go to Toronto to find a doctor because the one up here pumped my full of dangerous drugs.  Why did he do it?

Literally, you were better off dead then if you had a serious accident in the province of Ontario; you were not going to get treated or any kind of compensation.  If you dared complain about them, they would send their goons to spread stories about you in the neighbourhood , harrass you at evey turn, make  you fear for the safety of your family.  That's how they got away with it.  At this point, five years after my catastrophic injury, I have nothing left to loose, my brain is shot and I am going to make them pay where it counts. In the court of public opinion, I secretly recorded these ghouls in action, the doctors, healthcare workers, and the insurance people; it is the most amazing coincidence you have ever seen.  All of them chirping at the same time, like they were reading from the same hymn book.  Now they are doing the dance to distance themselves from the central figures. I dare any of these creeps to challenge my evidence.  We will let the people decide what is going on here, as we can't rely on the legal system or the Canadian news media. The day will come when their goose is cooked, and I will be there to make sure it is well done.

Hospitals had machines like this 20 years ago to hook up to your brain to prove you had high anxiety after a car accident.  You could also take a blood sample and analyze for stress hormomes, prove positive of a brain injury.  You don't see them around anymore, you can't find an endocrinologist if you were involved in a car accident.  The first thing the insurance industry did was to block access to this technology to force doctors and hospitals to hide them, put them in the background away from car accident injuries.  Suddenly this amazing technology was costing the insurance industry billions, because the results from these machines were used in court.  Also, there was so much corruption, hundreds of rehab clinics sprouted up scamming everybody.  For 2 thousand dollars you could find a crooked clinic to find a head injury in a turnip.  Those days are over, the high powered insurance companies got together with the high powered law firms and figured out a way to scam everybody. The fix is in, they don't bother prepping cases like they used to with expert witnesses, the rehab clinics disappeared, the shrinks lost the main source of revenue; those days are over.  They get your money, and you get zip if you are seriously hurt in a serious car accident.  If you speak up, they will turn up the heat, your neighbourhood doctor can put you into a mental institution for good.

With better technology and better science, doctor's quickly found out the most serious kind of head injury can occur at very slow speed.  That big heavy head of yours just needs to bend forward at high speed to tear your brain stem.  Six months to a year later your master gland is breaking down and you are toast. Thousands of these cases were initially diagnosed and the insurance industry knew it would cut heavy into their profits.  They strong armed the  politians into passing a law that would give them control of the medical community.  Next they strong armed the doctors and healthcare workers into falsifying injury reports; they started to under diagnos dangerous head injuries.  In my case they pumped me full of 24 dangerous prescription and finally in a last ditch effort to silence me, they bumped my narcotics my 400% one fine day.  I guess God was on my side that day and every day since as I rub their noses in the mess they leave behind. I am doing my best to provoke them to take legal action against me; so I can finally put my story before the courts.

I said it back then, I am saying the same thing now, Car Insurance Companies have been ripping the public blind since the new legislation was passed.  People are suffering needlessly because the government and the news media are letting these criminal enterprises get away with murder. ( a metaphor, you don't think they would intentionally over medicate an injured person to save 2 million dollars, do you?

Years later my son was involved in a catastrophic accident, and finally it happened to me, a guy ran a stop sign leaving me with a severe brain injury.  The evil bastards in the insurance industry attacked my family relentlessly over the years in a bid to deny benefits.  I learned a few things along the way, finally after 22 years I have collected evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of many people involved in my case. I will not stop until they are all behind bars.  What they did to me and my family was an atrocity, what they did the thousands of catastrophically injured Canadians was a crime against humanity.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wait until you find out the name of this Insurance Company

The phone records for the OT, plus GPS points, plus voice ID, will put the OT in my driveway talking to the OT. Tic Tac Toe. What did they say, what did they say? What did Joseph say to Belinda?

....But Dr. Issn't says he's narcissistic 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dirty Tricks

This is a live recording of the Occupational Therapist putting words in my mouth so the local doctor can do his dirty work; too bad

Another One Flies Over the Cuckoo's Nest; barely escapes

Remember the pesky Occupational Therapist hired by my insurance company, the one that lived 5 hours away and charge $900 for just travel expenses for every visit? The one that was hired even though there were 10 OT's available in the area; that one. The one that told me "no emails" then laughed; that one.

Most of my readers are aware of my position on the high rate of suicide by head trauma victims; I discuss it at every opportunity.  It is my position insurance companies use stress as a weapon the wear down accident victims so they accept lower benefits.  I always ask: "I wonder how many times accident victims commit suicide because of the pressure put on them by their insurance companies to settle for a low figure".  This time the OT jumps all over it, and starts putting words in my mouth, suggesting I actually told him I had thoughts of doing that.  Fortunately for me I recorded the incoming call.  The OT sent out letters to everybody on the case indicating I had actually told him that.  He admits in the tape in our subsequent conversation "the document he sent out basically "negates that statement"  and that he would send out further letters to make sure everybody understood he made a mistake in the communication. He never sent out another document to clear up his little boo boo.  He also admits at the same time there were other serious errors in reporting my case and he would correct them.  According to the OT, the adjuster ordered him not to make the corrections (another tape).  Next thing you know I have a local head doctor call me up and order me to attend an appointment.  Apparently I was referred to him by the local doctor who had me on 24 prescriptions while my oxygen saturation was at 82% for three years.  He also bumped my pain meds by 400% in one bump; that guy.  Listen to the tape and decide for yourself what this guy was up to.  Consider all the other BS ie the transparent insurance lady, and ask yourself if these OT's were acting on their own; or were they following the orders of the adjuster. Ask yourself if they were planning to put me in the local fun house for some fun therapy?

Remember the guy who provided electroshock therapy to thousands of innocent Canadians, he works here.  Do you think that is what they had in mind to shut me up?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The C word

This is really simple folks: Did They or Didn't They?

Ask the 2400 families in the St. Michael's incident

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just say no to the drugs your country doctor puts you on; eat some vegatables.

$20 Billion per year on psychotrophic drugs
Hello; anybody home
 This means that psychoactive illnesses of brain chemistry are on the rise.  What can possibly be causing that? That drug, among other things , plus a fat free diet, plus not enough raw materials for the central nervous system to function properly. The greater question is what is causing so many people to need psychoactive medication? And from my point of view, the main nutrients involved where funky brain chemistry for lack of a better word. Trace Minerals. There are 90 minerals that your body needs to function optimally, 90. 60 minerals, 16 vitamins and 12 amino acids and 2 essential fatty acids. The lions share, things like calcium, selenium, zinc, sulphur and strange peculiar trace minerals like europium vanadium and chromium that most people have never heard of. The body needs minerals inn order to have optimized brain function. These minerals are everything. Credit Dr. Peter Glidden

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I can handle the bastards ripping us off for the benefits; but do they really have to murder people in the process? Can't they just let us live, and leave us alone; apparently not. How many seriously injured patients in Canada have died as a result of being overmedicated, just one pill is all it takes. So some a greedy insurance creeps could line their pockets. Where ever you find big business, big corruption is not far behind; it is human nature.  I have spent years collecting hard evidence of criminal conduct on various individuals working in the insurance industry, I can't wait for the day to get these creeps into a court of law and to be able to tell my story to the courts to a jury of my peers.  Can't understand what they are waiting for, this story is not going away.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

If it were true

I talk to people all the time about this subject, including the insurance industry.  I say they intentionally use stress as a weapon to intimidate catastrophically injured people; I say they know full well what they are doing when they do that. I wonder how many catastrophically injured accident victims have committed suicide because some dirt bag denied them accident benefits when they had a broken back or a brain injury?  Have you ever wonder that? If it were in fact true, would that not make them serial killers? If it were true; just sayin.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The whole world is watching Canada

We are not alone folks; the whole world is watching to see how Canada will respond to these accusations. Let's keep the pressure on, this is our chance to make it right or we will live with the shame of this forever. You can't go around over medicating tens of thousands of innocent people and expect to get away with it.

The Truth Comes Out; A Conspiracy? Gotcha!!!!!

Listen to the evil laugh as this guy says " but no emails" he didn't say anything about secretly recorded conversations. I am just waiting for these dirt bags to come out and challenge anything I have posted so far; I have made some rather disturbing allegation. What are they waiting for. I have been rubbing their noses in this for the past year. They are evil but they are also cowards.

This is the guy that charged $1000 per visit just for transportation to and from. We had 10 OT's in town that could have done the trip for fifty bucks. He falsified all the reports, he refused to correct them. As a result I did not get the medical treatment I needed to save my life and to prevent me from going paralysed; thanks Joseph, your a pal. You and that creepy adjuster will be help accountable for what you did; trust me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

We all have a responsibility

Altogether, I would rather go fishing then to be pounding on this subject, but if it turns out I am right, and these bastards are snuffing folks left right and center on a scale never before seen; then what? Based on what I have seen, I honestly don't think anybody would give a damn. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Whole World Is Watching Canada

After living in Canada the Good for the past 64 years, I finally found out what it feels like to be a persecuted minority in my own country. It's not very nice to find out people are trying to murder you. It is nice however to know God has stepped in and protected me. We'll see if Canada is any different from Russia, Syria, North Korea. Let's see them talk their way out of this one. I am so looking forward to the first dirt bag that will finally step up and challenge any statement I have made.  I have been rubbing their noses in this mess for the past year; and not a peep.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Real Definition of Insurance Fraud and what they are willing to do to deny claims

Is that my imagination, or is that my doctor's name on all those prescriptions

Watch what these evil ghouls try to do now; how predictable. Except for a few courageous doctors, the medical community stood by and watched this evil plot unfold.  What were they expecting?.

Attacked relentlessly over the years

This is my family, we have been attacked relentlessly over the years by evil corrupt people; despite their best efforts, we still went on to accomplish many good things. We thank God for keeping us safe and our friends around the world.  The fight is not over, it remains to be seen how this sordid tail unfolds. I will not stop until these people are all held accountable for their deeds; at the very least, I owe it to my family and my fellow citizens to continue the fight.

Erik: A Tribute

I would like to thank the Latvian National Federation of Canada for hosting the memorial art show for my parents at the Latvian Canadian Cultural Center in Toronto this spring, and all the guests that attended. Erik was a founding member. I would especially like to thank my dear brother Uga for his unrelenting devotion in taking care of our parents in the late years.  Uga also staged the memorial art show in Toronto.

Erik Dzenis center 

Alex, Andrew, a portrait Erik painted 50 years ago

A sketch of George Ballenchine, Director of the New York City Ballet and founder of The American
School of Ballet.

Erik Dzenis
When Erik was working as a commercial artist at TDF, he offered to paint one of his world famous life size oil portraits to anyone who gave up smoking.  One friend succeeded and got the portrait; Ron Curtis.  Hopefully now people will understand where my passion came from in my attempts to warn people about toxic food: sugar and wheat gluten.

Oil portrait of the Chairman of the Board for the Princess Margret Hospital in Toronto.  Erik painted portraits of most of the past executives at the hospital

Erik painted in the style of the old world masters. Realism is only a technique, it is not art; stylization is what makes great art.  A detail from an oil portrait

Rudolf Nureyev and Karen Kain

We are grateful to the Latvian National Federation of Canada for inviting our family to be included in the yearly photograph.  Erik was a founding member, he lived to see his life's goal,  to see Latvia freed from Communist oppression. I got my fighting spirit from my father. The battle is not over.