Let's put this into context: also the mystery of the 40 letters Dr. Sauks refuses to turn over to the authorities; let me guess.
On the one hand Dr. Sauks grossly over medicated me after my accident, on the other hand he was such a miser when it came to pain medication as my letter to him will reflect. Dr. Sauk was on the Discipline Committee for the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, he is also on the opiate advisory board at McMaster. To put it into perspective I was literally begging him for a few Tylenol; 4 pills per day; a few month later I was on death's doorstep grossly over medicated by Dr. Sauk.
At the time I was cutting the winter wood, about 100 cords every year; just for fun. I was in pretty good shape, overweight, but I could cut wood all day no problem. It seems Dr. Sauks has a problem now, he is required by law to turn over all the letters I wrote to him over the years. He steadfast refuses to do it; he has some explaining to do in that regard. The letters are a history of my health before and after the accident. After what we went through with his peculiar behaviour with my son's accident, I thought it best to document everything thoroughly; it's a good thing I did. When my readers saw the "narcotics" prescriptions, where Dr. Sauks bump up my fentynal by 400%, I might have been some kind of druggy. To put it into perspective, it was a 400% bump from the Oxycontin to the Fentynal, but it was a 2000% increase from the Tylenol I was on the time of the accident. No point filing a complaint to the College. Regardless, if my allegations are true about this alleged gross misconduct on the part of these doctors, it will constitutes the most serious medical malpractice scandals in the history of Canada. That is why I am doing it; it would be nice to get some help. If I have to do it myself, I will. I intend to be the biggest problem the insurance industry has ever had. Keep following this blog, I will be stepping up the pace and stepping up the posts to back my allegations.
Here is a letter I wrote to Dr. Sauk back in November 2008, a year before my accident. I think it is a pretty good insight to my condition and his miserly dispensation of pain pills; what made him change so radically? Let me guess.
What happened to change his miserly dispensing of pain pills? What was he up to? Why will he not turn over the "missing letters". No matter; I have a fax log record of about 100 letters I sent to the Good Doctor over the years; just in case. It's a good thing I did. Those letters could shed some light on this dark matter.

I am putting myself at great risk publishing this material, alleging this misconduct against prominent members of our community. At my age and condition I can afford to be a little philosophical; I would rather go down fighting than die in a wheel chair with tubes coming out. It's in my nature. What I mean by fight is to bring these people into a court of law and present hard evidence so the world can see what is going on in Canada while the government turns a blind eye. This is a wholesale sellout impacting on tens of thousands of seriously injured Canadians. I can afford to stand up against these creeps and hold them accountable for the thousands of people that are being denied accident benefits in Canada. Now why would Dr. Sauk do such a thing; I do have a lawsuit filed against a certain insurance company for the severe damages I sustained in the accident. More to come, stay tuned.
How's this for excellent health care in Canada?
They are doing exactly the same thing to thousands of injured Canadians. We still have free speech; for now.