Monday, July 28, 2014

There is a simple way to find out what is going on

Ed Dzenis There is a simple way to find out what is going on, the only way actually. The authorities must examine all his patient records for people involved in serious accidents. Let's have a look a their med chart and their outcome. For that matter all patients involved in serious car accidents should have their records examined by a special commission able to override the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. If you or anyone you know has been a victim of the insurance companies denying access to healthcare after a catastrophic accident, this is your chance; payback.  Speak Up.

Roadkill911 Spreading the Word
Tell your friends; we all need all the help we can get

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let's put this into context: also the mystery of the 40 letters Dr. Sauks refused to turn over

"A Conspiracy?" That would imply a group of intelligent people with a plan.  These are just a bunch of low grade thugs with their hand in the cookie jar.

Follow Me On Social Media for Other Important Social Issues

That's me cutting 100 cords of wood that fall, my life was perfect until the accident, and I became eligible for accident benefits; I got a paltry amount for the severe injuries I sustained.  This is not about the money, this about the tens of thousands of Canadians being denied accident benefits; what role is the medical community playing in this scam.

Let's put this into context: also the mystery of the 40 letters Dr. Sauks refuses to turn over to the authorities; let me guess.

On the one hand Dr. Sauks grossly over medicated me after my accident, on the other hand he was such a miser when it came to pain medication as my letter to him will reflect.   Dr. Sauk was on the Discipline Committee for the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, he is also on the opiate advisory board at McMaster. To put it into perspective I was literally begging him for a few Tylenol; 4 pills per day; a few month later I was on death's doorstep grossly over medicated by Dr. Sauk.

At the time I was cutting the winter wood, about 100 cords every year; just for fun.  I was in pretty good shape, overweight, but I could cut wood all day no problem.  It seems Dr. Sauks has a problem now, he is required by law to turn over all the letters I wrote to him over the years.  He steadfast refuses to do it; he has some explaining to do in that regard.  The letters are a history of my health before and after the accident.   After what we went through with his peculiar behaviour with my son's accident,  I thought it best to document everything thoroughly; it's a good thing I did.  When my readers saw the "narcotics" prescriptions, where Dr. Sauks bump up my fentynal by 400%, I might have been some kind of druggy.  To put it into perspective, it was a 400% bump from the Oxycontin to the Fentynal, but it was a 2000% increase from the Tylenol I was on the time of the accident. No point filing a complaint to the College. Regardless, if my allegations are true about this alleged gross misconduct on the part of these doctors,  it will constitutes the most serious medical malpractice scandals in the history of Canada.  That is why I am doing it; it would be nice to get some help.  If I have to do it myself, I will.  I intend to be the biggest problem the insurance industry has ever had.  Keep following this blog, I will be stepping up the pace and stepping up the posts to back my allegations.

Here is a letter I wrote to Dr. Sauk back in November 2008, a year before my accident. I think it is a pretty good insight to my condition and his miserly dispensation of pain pills; what made him change so radically?  Let me guess.

What happened to change his miserly dispensing of pain pills?  What was he up to? Why will he not turn over the "missing letters".  No matter;  I have a fax log record of about 100 letters I sent to the Good Doctor over the years; just in case.  It's a good thing I did.  Those letters could shed some light on this dark matter.

I am putting myself at great risk publishing this material, alleging this misconduct against prominent members of our community.  At my age and condition I can afford to be a little philosophical; I would rather go down fighting than die in a wheel chair with tubes coming out. It's in my nature. What I mean by fight is to bring these people into a court of law and present hard evidence so the world can see what is going on in Canada while the government turns a blind eye.  This is a wholesale sellout impacting on tens of thousands of seriously injured Canadians. I can afford to stand up against these creeps and hold them accountable for the thousands of people that are being denied accident benefits in Canada.   Now why would Dr. Sauk do such a thing; I do have a lawsuit filed against a certain insurance company for the severe damages I sustained in the accident. More to come, stay tuned.

How's this for excellent health care in Canada?
They are doing exactly the same thing to thousands of injured Canadians.  We still have free speech; for now.

Dr. Melhoff diagnosed me in an instant: "you have Post Traumatic Narcolepsy". Just like that

Dr. Keith Lyon Melhoff diagnosed me in an instant: "you have Post Traumatic Narcolepsy".  Just like that.  That was 3 years ago,  its took an other three years to confirm it. I have yet to received any meaningful treatment.  If I was diagnosed a the time of my accident, I could have received stem cell therapy or hormone replacement therapy.  I would not be in the position where I am loosing my ability to walk or use my hands.   Dr. Melhoff alway spoke up against the tyranny in the system at his own personal expense.  I have great admiration for this man.  He was hired by my insurance company for a neurological assessment; a snow job.  I was surprised when an "insurance doctor" sided with me; even though it was rather obvious. He ordered a new MRI for me of my spine; the first one was botched at the local hospital.  Not something you want when you have spinal compression.  I asked for a support for my head in the MRI as my head was bobbing around wildly for the 15 minute exposure.  The results were useless; oh well.   When we were done the assessment, the Vice President of the Ontario Neurological Association knelt down and tied my shoes.  What more can you say to describe the kindness and compassion of this man?  He was one of the few doctors that had the courage and decency to report the truth on my file.  Dr. Melhoff spoke up against the College back in 2003 on the occasion of one of his personal friends and colleagues who ended up in the Welland Canal after being pressure by the College.  Allegedly his books were not up to date and he was fine. A doctor would not kill himself for that amount of money.  It is obvious they are ruled by an iron fist by someone at the College; someone in the Discipline Dept.  I hope you find peace and happiness in your retirement; you are a great man.

Ed Dzenis

There are an endless amount of these stories, it sounds like something you would hear from North Korea; not Canada.  These stories get buried on the back page and forgotten quickly by a nation on pills, sugar, and fluoridate water. They have taken control of the medical community and now they control the whole show. It will take a miracle to dethrone these ghouls from hell; I can feel one coming. 

'I am personally ashamed to be a doctor in Ontario' said Dr. Keith Meloff. “I’m ashamed for the behaviour of my licencing body.” 

By ALLAN BENNER, Tribune Staff

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 09:00

Local News - WELLAND - The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons and the
Ontario government need to be “held accountable” for their system of auditing
physicians – a system that tormented the last few years of Dr. Anthony Hsu’s

“I’m personally ashamed to be a doctor in Ontario and you can quote me on that,”
said Dr. Keith Meloff. “I’m ashamed for the behaviour of my licencing body.”

Dr. Hsu, who drowned in Lake Ontario last week, was ordered to pay back more
than $108,000 because his paperwork wasn’t completed to the satisfaction of
auditors from OHIP’s medical review committee (MRC). He spent the last few years
of his life in fear that he could again be audited and that he would be perceived
as unscrupulous by the community he cared for.

“I think his death was unnecessary, it was a tragedy . . .” said Meloff, an
outspoken Timmins-based neurologist who has been an opponent of the MRC since
he was personally audited and ordered to repay about $20,000.

Meloff said the MRC seems indifferent to the concerns of physicians.

Doctors from across the province are planning to travel by bus to Welland for
Dr. Hsu’s funeral Wednesday.

“There’s a tremendous disconnect between what the MRC is doing and what is really
going on at the front line of patient care. The medical review committee is
either ignorant or blind or deaf or dumb to the realities of what really goes
on at the front line of patient care,” Meloff said.

“This man’s (Hsu’s) work if anything should have been upgraded, not downgraded.
They don’t get it at all and it’s reprehensible, it’s immoral, and I’m speechless
about how callous and pitiless these people are.”

The loss of Dr. Hsu hit Meloff personally as well.

“We go back some 25-plus years. Dr. Hsu is someone I’ve known and respected
for decades now,” he said.

Since learning about Dr. Hsu’s death, Dr. Farouk Dindar, founder of Ontario
Doctors for Fair Audits, reviewed the details of the pediatrician’s audit.

“We’ve had complaints about this audit process at multiple levels, but in his
case he was a victim of all of the bad things that we know of,” the Toronto-based
neurologist said.

Various physicians have complained about different aspects of the audits. One
complaint is in relation to the practice of extrapolating charges. Another complaint
is about using outdated billing codes.

“An analysis of his audit exposes everything that’s wrong.”

“What is particularly maddening in the case of Dr. Hsu, is that his work and
his dedication is unquestioned and if anything he submitted fees that were too
low, not too high,” Meloff added.

The college has the power to upgrade a physician’s billing, but “God forbid
that anyone would have the sense or intelligence or even feel an obligation
to point out that perhaps Dr. Hsu ought to have charged more.”

Dindar said a cardiologist from Peterborough is planning to charter a bus to
carry colleagues to Welland for Dr. Hsu’s funeral being held Wednesday at 3
p.m. at Faith Tabernacle.

“He felt very strongly about this on principle,” Dindar said. “I don’t know
how many people are going to come, but he has left a message that he’s chartering
a bus.”

Dindar is expecting a lot of people at the funeral – besides the thousands of
friends and relatives the pediatrician has locally.

“Overall a lot of people are encouraging doctors to go and a lot of doctors
are making a very conscious decision to come,” he said. “I think it’ll be a
very big turnout.”

Welland family physician, Dr. John O’Donnell knew the pressure Dr. Hsu faced.

He had personally been audited by the same system and ordered to repay about

“It’s a denial of due process. It’s a denial of natural justice and it’s wrong,
the way it’s been done. It should be replaced by an independent tribunal which
follows legal procedure,” he said. That would give the person being audited
a “chance for due process and a chance to defend themselves and to have someone
impartial hear what they’re saying.”

Thursday, July 24, 2014

"can record that call if they are doing so for a personal or journalistic reason and "

"So what is the conclusion? A lawful party to a call that starts and ends in Canada can record that call if they are doing so for a personal or journalistic reason and not a commercial purpose. 

Got it: To all the ghouls who called me in the last five years;  Wait until you see the journalistic reason: jerk. The show is stored on thumb drives all over the world.  So go ahead, give it your best shot.

Then there is the 15 hours of video surveillance of everything; Gotcha ya!!

My take on it:  when certain people are doing their level best to murder you, your damn straight you should record their incoming calls.  It might be the last responsible thing you ever do.  The Nanny cam president: your home is your castle, you can record a beastly baby sitter beating up your child, and you can do what ever is necessary to defend your own life; especially when the authorities won't help you. Ed  Dzenis

Ed Dzenis Quite frankly, I couldn't care less if it was legal or not, I will be happy to face the consequences for violating a ghouls privacy right's; what about my right to live. I did it to protect my life, I would do it again in a heart beat. Especially the videos I got. I have what I need; bring it on ghouls. At a certain point in a person's life; the individual needs to take a stand against the evil around them. This is my time, I am taking a stand; come what may.

An inside look; got it all

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Small note, big problem

You can imagine my concern when my Occupational Therapist sent me this email to "get outta Dodge". He was concerned my doctor was out to do harm to me. Nice eh! Looks like he had some overall concerns about accessing safe care in town.

That 12. 9 m.  It means I went into deep REM sleep in the middle of the day in 13 minutes.  First empirical test to demonstrate brain damage.  It is supposed to be 90 minutes.  Big trouble for me.
Took away my drivers license for the rest of my life; still waiting for a report five years later.
This stinks to high hell.

It always comes back to this little piece of paper; it just won't disappear.

Oh ya, this little thing; it all comes back to this stupid little detail. You have to wonder just how many times this has happened? You have to wonder why nothing has ever been done about it. My oxygen saturation was at 82% for three years. My doctor insisted it was anemia; right, and there was nothing that can be done. It was only when my brother literally forced me to stop taking all my 20 prescriptions, my Oxygen shot back up to 100%, lost 100 pounds etc etc.. I am not making any of this stuff up, as a matter of fact I don't need to say a thing, everything he did is on the record for everybody to see. Now he has some explaining to do. Here's the catch, this guy was one of the top guys at the med college; in charge of discipline. I think he needs to stand in the corner for a while.

I have to laugh when I see our Prime Minister chewing out the evil tyrants all over the place these days; please, will somebody tell me what the difference is between that and the stuff going on in our own back yards. What do you think happens to accident victims when they get cut off? They go off and die a horrible death is what happens Mr. Prime Minister. Except our media will not report it. A life is a life is a life; does not matter where it happens. What about the 2400 families at St. Mike's? Did they get over medicated as well.  Video of Ed Dzenis speaking about this little piece of paper.

Monday, July 21, 2014

It is an indictable offense to make false claims in insurance matters

80 people viewing this right now: It is an indictable offense to make false claims in insurance matters in the Province of Ontario; that goes for both sides.  It would have been illegal for me to video tape "he transparent insurance lady" at my home during a compulsory insurance examination if I had just signed that darn consent form; but I didn't.  She was fair game, caught red handed together with my adjuster in a scheme to defraud me of the benefits I was entitled to.  I have been paying my freaking insurance all my life.  Robbed, I would say. She admits in the video she did not have the proper consent forms sorted out before she showed up two hour late (note the time stamp) gotcha ya.  She concluded she could not do the assessment, and left. Besides being robbed of my benefits, I was accused of being belligerent; me? Also, I allegedly kicked the poor women out of the house; oh my.

She went back to the office, and called my adjuster, they cooked up a scheme to cut off my benefits.  I got a letter from my insurance company the next day informing me they cut off my benefits.  Great, there I am crushed, catastrophically impaired and no benefits.  Simple; I just pulled out the video; I got my benefits back the next day.  I checked, cutting off an accident victims benefits under false pretense is good for some time in an orange jump suit.  Let's see how they worm out of that.  No matter; plenty more where that came from. Tons more.  The Nanny law precedent: Your home is your castle; if the bastards come into your home you can get them with a nanny cam.  This was a criminal act, plain and simple; the first of many. I have been stuck in my chair for the better part of five years, unable to move around, my friend the good small town doctor had me on massive dosses of pain meds; Ain't life grand.  This is how they treat thousands of catastrophically injured patients in the Province of Ontario. They are the easiest kind to abuse; as they have brain injuries. No matter, let's see how this plays out. Here's a clue; if I had access to healthcare 5 years ago when this happened, it is possible I might not be losing my ability to walk right at the moment.  I will be holding everybody accountable; this is not about money.  They did the same thing to another member of my family.

The Transparent Insurance Lady; so transparent you can see right through her lame act. 

What's Up Doc: Really

We finally crossed over the 1000 view threshold on the Roadkill911 Blog; I have three other blogs that have greater reach; 26,000 people worldwide. Thank you for your concern.  This concerns us all.  I have decided to post a series of video's regarding the nightmare I went through dealing with the car insurance industry.  As my reader know, I have some serious beef's with those folks.  I am loosing my ability to type, so I will be going to video to get my story out there.  I am not doing this just for myself and my family, I am doing this for the thousands of Canadians involved in serious car accident every year, as well as the high number of veterans returning from war only to find another fight on their hands; getting treatment for their injuries and are not able to speak up for themselves.
Best Regards

Ed Dzenis

Georgian Bluffs
Ontario, Canada

Please check out my first video: What's Up Doc  Ed Dzenis speaking about the real fraud in the insurance industry, the kind done by the insurance industry and their cohorts. If they plan to take me out, we may as well have a little fun on the way; like expose these villians for what they are.  Even if they do succeed in their plans to take me out, all my video surveillance is safely out of the country.  I could not get my hands on it if I wanted to.  I suppose I could use it as an insurance policy; get it insurance policy.  Staying alive is not my concern as I am deteriorating quickly.  Too bad my own family physician obstructed my access to healthcare five years ago when it could have made a difference; too late now.  They are doing this to scores of people, I decided to actually do something about it, rather than just sitting around and complaining 

1000 viewers following Roadkill911: Here comes the Bus

Over 250,000 People Worldwide have seen what this doctor did to me  Ed Dzenis speaking about this issue

Over 250,000 People Worldwide have seen this now famous prescriptions and what this doctor did to me. More importantly, they are also well aware of what the authorities did not do.  I was denied access to medical care for 5 years; I was only recently diagnosed with a damaged hypothalamus.  I was obvious from the very first day.  He sent me to a succession of so-called neurologists, one by one they said: "it was all in my head".  In that regard, they were right.  Here's the thing, because of the nature of my injury, I needed immediate emergency care. When the hypothalamus is damaged, it does not take long for the rest of the system to fall apart.  If I would have been permitted to see the one neurologist looking after our family in London, he would have seen it immediately, and I would have been treated and avoided the onset of the damage I now have.  Instead they waited for me to die; sorry to disappoint you. It is too late for me now, the damage is done and my life support system is breaking down.

The question is: did they participate in the process? Did they do their very best to put me in one of those special treatment centers? All the evidence points in that direction. They did the same thing to another member of my family.  Was it the money? Was it political?  Was it something more basic? Whatever it was, they bungled it, they missed their chance, and now they have some explaining to do to the world community.  What is the difference between what these greed evil people are doing here, and what the same people are accusing terrorists around the world for doing somewhere else?  It is exactly the same thing.  

The question is, are they doing this to all accident victims to avoid paying claims as ancient accident theorists claim?  Whatever is going on, they seem to be a group of loosely knit nitwits from the top down. They will all have their opportunity to explain to the world for what they have done.  Especially a couple of them reading this post this morning; just doing my duty ladies.  Watching you, watching me; try to imagine yourself in orange. I will expose you; and the world knows it.  My digital evidence of the entire sordid mess is safely out of the country, just in case something happens to me. Oh! Here comes the bus.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

When you go out in the woods today; be careful what your doctor will say

Hey folks, I just saw something very troubling on the CBC show Nature of Things; it was about Lyme disease. Usually I keep my rantings about social problems separate from fishing issues. This concerns anglers because most of them are also hunters; this concerns everybody so I am reposting on our Shark page. This is about the war going on in the medical communities, how they are treating Lyme disease. The war has been ratcheted up a few notches; we have some terrified doctors, patients and now the news media is running scared. Remember we are all 90% foreign DNA, mitochondria, by volume; we only have 10% human DNA in our bodies. This battle for supremacy is being fought under the microscope. The consequences for picking the wrong side of the war will have serious implications. Usually I have an opinion; I do an extraordinary amount of research before I post my rants; I have no clue about this, except to stay super healthy; stop eating garbage. 

The question remains; which side to pick if it happened to us. On one side of the battle line, the doctors swear long term antibiotics is the only solution. The other side is vehemently opposed, to the extent they are apparently threatening doctors who continue to prescribe long term antibiotics. My impression was, their lives are really being threatened. Seriously folks, this looks like it is shaping up to be some sort of epic biomass war, of good vs evil with us caught in the middle. Microbes fighting for control of our bodies; freaky? People are very afraid. I am not trying to instill panic, just the opposite. We need to force the issue and make the bastard talk,so we can find out what the hell is going on. They have no right to hide any of this from us. 

The difference between then and now is: if you are an infected Canadian living out west; you now have a much bigger problem. Your doctor will not give you the only treatment that has been consistently proven to work; long term intravenous antibiotics. You will now need to travel to the good old USA, and it will cost you $100,000 per year to save your life; apparently. Thank God for the decent doctors in the USA for accepting Canadian patients; I will be going there myself for my accident injury, as I have a few problems with the system myself. One freaked out Canadian doctor reportedly cut off 30 patients, pulled the plug on the antibiotics, and screamed at one female patient "get out and never return" "you have no idea of the heat I am getting from the College of Physician and Surgeons supplying you with antibiotics" is what he said to her. How about that? My impression was the 30 people saw it as a death sentence from their family doctor. We have a similar College in Ontario, it is a question of time until the policy moves over to Ontario. 

How About That eh?
Most people knows about the standing beef I have against a particular local doctor and the wimpy cowards he is in league with; but that is another story. Although CBC did not come out and say it directly on TV, the impression most people walked away with is these doctors are literally afraid for their lives. That's how I saw it; I recognized that fear in doctors. You will need to see the show and figure it out yourself. My friends know all about my opinion of our state run news media. I have sent them many scathing letters accusing them of cover ups etc, etc. All true. It is nice to see them on the run, backtracking; I guess they figured it would never happen to them; wrong. 

Even CBC people have to go to the doctors once in awhile themselves. Tough decision given the devastating long term affects of antibiotic treatment as it wreaks havoc with your good microbes. You are toast if you do, and apparently you are toast if you don't do it. As if that is not bad enough the bigger problem is disturbing as the level of hostilities taking place in the medical community; I have never seen it like this. Can't help but think big Pharma has their dirty hand in all this. We are not talking about some doctors losing hospital privileges or even their licences; this is more serious. What would I do if it were me or a family member? Personally, now, I would go with the long term antibiotics. I would also hope I made the right choice. Everybody will need to make up their own minds; an informed decision

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Your Done Tough Guy 

This same thing also happens in thousands of minor car accidents and war injuries every year. The doctors know all about it, the insurance companies know it, and they bury it because they know full well that persons life is done. They will end up catastrophically impaired as they do, and it would cost them big money in every case You eventually find out, when it is too late; after you signed a release for a minor head injury. Ask the football players.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Canada Day

Protecting our freedom is what this blog is all about.  If you see evil and treachery going on in our magnificent country; Don't Just Sit There, Do Something About It