Monday, July 21, 2014

Over 250,000 People Worldwide have seen what this doctor did to me  Ed Dzenis speaking about this issue

Over 250,000 People Worldwide have seen this now famous prescriptions and what this doctor did to me. More importantly, they are also well aware of what the authorities did not do.  I was denied access to medical care for 5 years; I was only recently diagnosed with a damaged hypothalamus.  I was obvious from the very first day.  He sent me to a succession of so-called neurologists, one by one they said: "it was all in my head".  In that regard, they were right.  Here's the thing, because of the nature of my injury, I needed immediate emergency care. When the hypothalamus is damaged, it does not take long for the rest of the system to fall apart.  If I would have been permitted to see the one neurologist looking after our family in London, he would have seen it immediately, and I would have been treated and avoided the onset of the damage I now have.  Instead they waited for me to die; sorry to disappoint you. It is too late for me now, the damage is done and my life support system is breaking down.

The question is: did they participate in the process? Did they do their very best to put me in one of those special treatment centers? All the evidence points in that direction. They did the same thing to another member of my family.  Was it the money? Was it political?  Was it something more basic? Whatever it was, they bungled it, they missed their chance, and now they have some explaining to do to the world community.  What is the difference between what these greed evil people are doing here, and what the same people are accusing terrorists around the world for doing somewhere else?  It is exactly the same thing.  

The question is, are they doing this to all accident victims to avoid paying claims as ancient accident theorists claim?  Whatever is going on, they seem to be a group of loosely knit nitwits from the top down. They will all have their opportunity to explain to the world for what they have done.  Especially a couple of them reading this post this morning; just doing my duty ladies.  Watching you, watching me; try to imagine yourself in orange. I will expose you; and the world knows it.  My digital evidence of the entire sordid mess is safely out of the country, just in case something happens to me. Oh! Here comes the bus.

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