Thursday, September 29, 2016
Stupid Is As Stupid Does. What do you call a lawyer who asks you to do a Google Review after he has screwed you over for a quarter of a million dollars.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
By Courier
Look what the Cat dragged in, by Courier
Back in 1992 a drunk driver smashed into Suzanne's car at the end of our street in North York, it took years for her to recover. She never fully recovered to where she was before the accident. We hired the services of Thomson Rogers in Toronto. The best law firm in Canada; no doubt. After a long and protracted battle, we won the case, a fraction of what should have been awarded. The narrative did a 180 at the settlement meeting, a lot of last minute unforeseen BS.
Disappointed we asked the lawyer: "why did you do that" ? I was ready to walk out the door and let it go, chaulk it up to a bad experience "Tooooo Bad" was his reply. That comment started a chain of events that led to this day. It was like that scene in Back to the Future when the guy called Marty chicken. I responded in kind. We walked across Bay St. into the front doors of Lang Michener; they are really one of the top law firms in Canada; big. I sure did like that guy Clive Elkin, he went after them like a pit bull, but really cool. Before you know it, they were spitting out G notes like they were going out of style. For my part, I modified a software package to do a forensic accounting of everything that happened on the file for 5 years. I pressed the print button and out came what I wanted; the dirt.
Apparently there was something wrong with their computers because boy o boy we had lawyers in three different places claiming to be in all sorts of places they were not. My little program caught everything. Toooo Bad. They issued a certified cheque and I decided not to take further action; they are back for more. You may ask: once bitten twice shy? Why the hell would anybody go back for seconds after something like that? Good question, hint; bamboozled. I fell for it. "Oh all those guys are long gone, this is a whole new thing" More like payback as it turned out.
One might think they would have learned their lesson, messing with me; apparently not. This time around the matter is far more serious, I paid them a quarter of a million dollars; not sure I got my monies worth. As usual I have been busy building my case, I always win. I don't go looking for trouble, but when it comes my way, I deal with it.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Sooner the better
Who or why would anyone prescribes a 400% increase in narcotic medication to a patient who has a dangerously low oxygen saturation level, and is on 21 other meds? There can only be one answer; there is only one answer. Equally importantly, who turned a blind eye? This is only one incident of many I endured. Sooner or later these questions need to be answered and people need to be held accountable. The sooner the better.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
The other side of the insurance fraud equation; the real fraud committed by insurance companies and their cohorts; Law firms, doctors, and rehab clinics. At the same time these evil people are spreading this narrative that they are the victims. They are doing much more than cheating victims out of their benefits, like over medicating accident victims to avoid paying benefits; resulting in premature death. Posting on social media is the only reason I won my case. They did not want this blog to be entered into the public record. Read all about what they did to me; I survived, this is payback.

My name is Ed Dzenis, I'm 67 years old; I am the guy behind Roadkill911. I have made some very serious allegations against the car insurance industry and their cohorts in the in the Province of Ontario. Posting on social media is the only reason why I won my case. I collected digital evidence of appointments and meeting and posted it for everybody to see. Many people have come forward and told me the same thing has happened to them after they had car accidents. They were over medicated and cheated out of their accident benefits by the system that is suppose to be there for them in a crisis. It was not! I have collected damning evidence pointing to systematic criminal activity in the handling of insurance claims, and I will be posting more material on this blog in this regard. Please read the items posted so far, and discuss it among your family and friends. This is a true story, nothing is exaggerated or embellished; this is what happens everyday behind the scenes in the province of Ontario. I appreciate you may have concerns about going public with incidents that may have happened to you. Thousands of people around the world are following my blogs on this issue. For those of you that are brave enough to step forward and add your voice to this cause, please contact me through my facebook page. Indicate if you want to protect your privacy or you are ready to go public.
Fentanyl Deaths In Canada: Many accident victims are plastered with Fentanyl patches. They may recover from the accident, they will never get off Fentanyl.
The Globe and Mail described it as Geronticide: Murder of seniors. It is what it is.
Canadian doctors have been seeding the market for street dealer by dispensing 30 million Fentanyl patches every year. It is the reason Ottawa has bee silent during this onslaught of Fentanyl deaths across the country; they are responsible 100%. Fentanyl is 80 times more powerful that morphine and 80 times more difficult to get off. Do the math, the country is broke, going into recession again; it costs a fortune to keep one elderly citizen alive with medical problems. Multiply that by millions of aging senior; its cheaper to put a patch on them, and let them die of natural causes. Also, doctors are over-prescribing this deadly drug to car accident victims and for sports injuries. The Canadian government is turning a blind eye as the doctors are creating about a million addicts every year. This is what they did to me; I survived to tell the story.
The Globe and Mail described it as Geronticide: Murder of seniors. It is what it is.
Canadian doctors have been seeding the market for street dealer by dispensing 30 million Fentanyl patches every year. It is the reason Ottawa has bee silent during this onslaught of Fentanyl deaths across the country; they are responsible 100%. Fentanyl is 80 times more powerful that morphine and 80 times more difficult to get off. Do the math, the country is broke, going into recession again; it costs a fortune to keep one elderly citizen alive with medical problems. Multiply that by millions of aging senior; its cheaper to put a patch on them, and let them die of natural causes. Also, doctors are over-prescribing this deadly drug to car accident victims and for sports injuries. The Canadian government is turning a blind eye as the doctors are creating about a million addicts every year. This is what they did to me; I survived to tell the story.
If we stand together, we can stop these evil people: Identify them and hold them accountable for the harm they have done against thousands of accident victims in the Province of Ontario and across Canada. It has been my experience the insurance companies have always pushed the limits, however recently since the new legislation has been enacted, they are right out of control. They act with impunity driven by their outrageous sense of greed and entitlement, because nobody is willing to stand up and challenge them. With billions of dollars at stake they have corrupted the entire system from the top down; the legal system, doctors, and of course civil lawyers, in their bid to control the system. They are not about to give it up without a fight. This is the third catastrophic accident in our family (all caused by the other driver), I have studied them for 20 years, I know their weaknesses and their strengths. This blog is a survivors guide to help you protect yourself and your family from the thugs in the insurance industry.
Read carefully what they have done to me and thousands of other Canadians while the government has turned a blind eye. At the same time, read about how I dealt with these thugs every step of the way. You will see they are as stupid as they are greedy, all of them. I will demonstrate you how to collect evidence against them and how to use it to get a fair settlement for yourself and your family. Document everything, video everything, record every thing. Those damn emails will sink them.
Every year in this country thousands of people are severely injured in car accidents, they paid good money for their accident insurance. At a time when you are most vulnerable, right after a catastrophic car accident, these demons from hell will launch a relentless attack against you in their bid to deny your accident claim. They pocket billions of dollars every year in the process. I grew up in this beautiful free country, I had an amazing life, got married, raised a family; I was shocked to find out about the nightmare going on behind the scenes. If your story sounds familiar to mine, let's stop talking about it, and let's do something about it, before it is too late.
Hey Robert: WOW!!!!! I hope everybody saw this story last night. I like the statement from the undercover cop: "I hope it scares the hell out of them" referring to law firms involved in fraud. But he neglected to mention the other side of the insurance fraud equation; the one where the insurance company is committing the real fraud. He is welcome to view the undercover video posted on this blog anytime he feels like it. Perhaps he is not aware is clients the insurance companies and their cohorts, doctors etc. regularly overmedicate injured accident victims. Or the fact that they catagorically denied every treatment plan (all 2400 of them) from St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto. Many of the accident victims were catastrophically impaired. Hopefully it is just a case where he is not aware, but he should look into both sides of this story: Much bigger fish to fry.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Roadkill911 is an essay on corruption at the highest levels of government in Canada. They have allowed insurance companies and their cohorts to get away with abhorrent crimes against Canadian citizens for decades. It needs to stop now. I have been asked many times why I have not reported a certain doctor to The Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons: My doctor sat on the Discipline Committee at the college. That's why.
In one of the featured cases, the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons interfered with a criminal investigation withholding damning evidence from police: no problem.
Hey Justin, did you see the show? This is happening on your watch; enough to make you puke: The Ontario and Canadian governments continue to let the College of Physicians and Surgeons get away rampant criminal behaviour. Who are the real criminals?…/ep…/2015-2016/doctors-without-boundaries
What's Up Doc? Sexual misconduct is very serious of course, I am waiting for CBC to do the story on doctors who intentionally overmedicate patients.
March 11. 2016 Apparently my wait is over, The Gloge and Mail finally published this story about doctors overmedicating patients.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Note to Alan: How do you like dem apples?
I love it when CBC throws me a freebee
Insurance Hall of Shame: The Real One
The question is: When is the CBC going to investigate real insurance fraud, the kind committed by insurance companies and their cohorts?
Speak of the devil, this one is right in my wheelhouse. Correction: The top fraudulent insurance claims are committed by the insurance companies themselves. They regularly have their cohorts "fudge" reports all the way down the chain to deny accident benefits to car accident victims. I have personally witnessed this chain of corruption, in fact I video taped and recorded these thugs in action personally and posted it all in a blog .The insurance industry does not report its profits, nor the details of settlements. They have manipulated the provincial laws in their favour. Shortly after the laws were changed, the trauma dept from one of Ontario's leading hospitals, St. Michaels reported 2400 treatment plans were denied by insurance adjusters; every plan they submitted was denied. This story about "fraudulent" claims is a ruse, they cheat thousands of accident victims out of billions in benefits every year. Check out my blog for a different take on this story.
First I got into a catastrophic car accident (the other guys fault)
Then my doctor fixed me up with all these meds, then the nightmare started; dealing with the insurance industry and their cohorts. This is how it's done.
They spent a fortune trying to beat me down, I kicked their butts all the way down Bay St.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Reasonable Man Test
new about corruption in the system, it's always been there, and it
always will be. It's human nature. Every once in a while something
happens to shake things up; this is one of those times. We've all
heard the expression; once bitten, twice shy, this is the third time
around for me. This is where I draw my line in the sand. Our family
has been severely abused and cheated by the legal system in the
Province of Ontario on three separate occasions, all catastrophic car
accidents all the other guys fault. We have suffered immensely. All the matters have been
settled except this one. The car insurance business is a scam at the
best of times, the injured people get screwed over, the insurance
company and their cohorts get rich.
I knew
the only way to get justice this time around was to get the goods on
the players. More importantly I had to established a clear link to
the entire web of treachery, because that is where the true story
lies. This is not about one corrupt insurance company, doctor, or
lawyer or healthcare agency, this is about the ties that bind them
together. I collected solid evidence on all the players doing some
really bad things; individually, and collectively. There is no
wiggle room for them this time around, my digital evidence reveals a
long red line of corruption from beginning to end. Any time the rich
and powerful find themselves at the center of a major scandal, they
sarcastically throw out the “old conspiracy theory”.
Fortunately for me, we live in the digital age, emails, video's,
recordings, I intend to show the public all of it. If anybody has
any doubts about my resolve to move forward against any of the “big
names ”, please check out my blog roadkill911 especially
medchart.jpg; dates, names, places are all posted on the blog for
everybody to see. Millions have seen it over the last 5 years and are
wondering WTF is going on in Canada, especially the Province of Ontario.
It is
just a case of time until the media is ultimately forced to recognize
these serious allegations and to investigate them. This story is not
just about me, my case has been settled a long time ago. This is
about the tens of thousands of Canadians that have had their lives
ruined by unscrupulous insurance companies and their cohorts in the
legal and medical communities. I would not advise anyone to go up
against “the system” alone, especially if you like living. In my
case, they already tried and failed to shut me up; check out my med
chart. It is very plain to see what a certain country doctor was up
to; I was severely over-medicated. A coincidence, was he working
alone? At this point, the best defence is a good offence; get them
before they get you. Although I don't think they are ready to give up
anytime soon.
First I
had to endure the accident itself, that was the easy part; brain
trauma, multiple spinal cord injuries, my heart was twice its normal
size; stuff happens when you hit the wall at 80 clicks. The hardest
part was surviving “the system” the insurance companies, the
doctors, the law firms; the people that are supposed to be there to
help you when you become catastrophically impaired. Suddenly they
become my worst nightmare attacking me vehemently when I was mortally injured. The best time to do the deed apparently. Now, I am hoping to be their worst nightmare; all I have to do is post the emails and videos. I will let the readership figure out for themselves what is going on.
already spent six years fighting a couple of insurance companies and
their law firms; I didn't get everything I wanted, but I sure did
kick the legal crap out of them every step of the way. Check my blog
Roadkill911 for the details to see how that went. A one foot high
printout of my blog is about the only thing they brought with them at
the settlement meeting, thinking the could intimidate me with my own
blog. Lawyers eh? Now it is time to re-visit a few of the other
players, the law firms, the doctors, and a few of the other bit
players in “the system”. It took years for me to get my health
back to a point where I could take on this formidable task. I'm ready
now. The trick is to connect them all to a central web of deceit and
treachery in one fell swoop. I wouldn't be doing this if I thought I
could not succeed and I am most grateful for all the support from
concerned people all over the world, especially Canada. I am just putting the final touches on some key
documentation before I send it all off to the Law Society of Upper
family has been through this nightmare three times. This time I got
them, the “experts did a one eighty, they flipped their opinions
six years later when they were confronted with irrefutable digital
evidence. Many prominent news agencies have done documentaries about the corruption , they all concluded it only happens because the people at the top turned a blind eye.
encountered all these people at the front end of this sordid tale;
they all participated in an unmistakable pattern of behaviour; they
fudged the reports; all of them. The doctor said to me shortly after
the accident, “Oh there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with
you, I can't hear the clicking noise (as he pressed down hard on my
broken sternum). Broken sternum? I was catastrophically impaired, I
had to be repositioned every hour on the hour for the next 3 months
247 and the doctor said he can't see anything wrong with me. I sent
him 40 letters documenting my deteriorating health that he refused to
turn over to the insurance company. The law says he had to, I guess
the law doesnt apply to him. In any case my sternum was broken and
my heart was twice its normal size, I had a concussion, multiple
spinal cord injuries and a lot of other serious injuries. Not to
mention the 21 killer meds my local country doctor had me on. I was
one of the lucky one's, there are many people that are much worse off
than me. In a perfect world, a catastrophically injured accident
victim should just get the $2 million that they are entitled to based
on an independent medical examination arms length from the insurance
company. Just so everyone is clear that 2 million will not begin to
cover the cost of health care for the remainder of his or her life.
That is where the problem lies, the insurance industry controls the
board and they have fixed the laws to enable themselves to get away
with cheating the public. They dont have to report their profits and
the details of the settlement meetings are all under wraps.
So, here we have it, the people at the top that are
turning a blind eye; that's where this is going. I was damaged by
the law firms and the way this file was handled and so were tens of
thousands of other helpless Canadian families. I am saying there is
well orchestrated conspiracy going on in the province. one that
plays out in the province of Ontario 365 days year 24/7. Let's see
what happens. If there is any justice in this world, those evil
people who have cause endless pain and suffering to tens of thousands
of Canadian families will be held to account.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Ring the bells that still can ring, it doesn't matter what you do, because it's going to happen anyway
Leonard Cohen
Because everybody likes a big scandal; the bigger the better
Pretend Goggle Review: Old Jedi Trick
Malpractice; what is it, how can you tell when it is happening? Lawyers are clever, they can be screwing you over while they are smiling in your face. Above all, when you suspect they are screwing you over, never link any anecdotal stories to them in a public form. They get their noses out of joint pretty fast when they think it will affect business, and have the ability to throw money and resources at it until it goes away. Do “a fer instance” instead to let others know how the scam goes.
Let's pretend you were injured in a car crash, you see your doctor and he/she says: “it's not looking good pal”. You hire a lawyer, right. Except you have never done it before, you have heard all about bottom feeders all your life and now you need a good one. You look in the book ask around and inevitable the big names come to the fore front. Pick one, it doesn’t matter, they are all the same.
At first things seem to be moving along smoothly; so you think. The insurance company sends you to their expert examiner; expect to get screwed over, it's their job. Don't pay attention to the bad reports, that's what your lawyer is for; right? The inside man for the insurance companies is the Occupational Therapist, it's their foot in the door to your life. Insurance companies get to approve the treating OT. Watch out. So let's say this OT has been showing up pretending to be your friend, before long he starts telling you horror stories about what can go wrong in your case.
Here comes the good part; then he says, “I think your lawyer is doing a bad job. he tells you; “I think you are getting screwed over”. Boom; your blood pressure goes through the roof, you have a panic attack. Relax says the OT, “I've got just the guy for you”. But then you say, “whoa, hold on a minute padre, I sued this firm years ago for screwing me over in another case”. No problemo “buddy” its water under the bridge, they got new guys there. “He's the best lawyer in Canada”; when he does that make sure you have the video going, it will come in useful years down the road; after you get screwed over. So you reluctantly sign up with this new lawyer. Well, the first thing you know, the insurance OT is now hired on by the new law firm and is your new Occupational Therapist. Whadda ya know. You can always say you are just an old crazy guy.
This is not a pretend email, it is a real one from a certain registered Occupational Therapist in the Province of Ontario. He advised me to get out of Dodge, he believed certain doctors in our town were intentionally over-medicating me. Do you know where your lawyer is? Incidentally, I took his advise. Good thing I did.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Nightmare on Bay St. : Journey Through Hell
Still don't have a clue what emails I am referring to? Let me remind you: I have a thousand more. They get better
Oh look, another one
I can see why they might have concerns about postings about them and from them; they should have thought of that before they sent them over the internet. My computer gets hacked all the time; stuff gets out there.
Box Office Smash
starts, I paid a certain law firm about a quarter million bucks; I
won the case; apparently, however as everybody can tell I was not
suitably impressed with the outcome or the law firm. We will be
revisiting the relationship, one email at a time; looking forward to
a surprise ending. It's true I have an axe to grind, but this is more
about the tens of thousands of catastrophically injured Canadians
that get screwed over by a very corrupt system. Corrupt from the top
down; they may not have a voice, but I still do. I meticulously
collected the dirt on these companies, emails, recordings, video's
etc, I got it all. I think it is time Canadians get to see what's
going on behind the scene. Roadkill 911 is the accident victims
handbook to dealing with insurance companies and lawyers.
it is your wish Alan, I will write this Google Review, but it may
create a disturbance down on Bay St. This is no joke, every year
thousands of Canadians are catastrophically injured in car accidents;
at this critical time when they are most vulnerable, unable to speak
for themselves, they rely on officers of the court to represent them.
That is when the dark side of the force kicks in; they are terrorized
by corrupt insurance companies, their own lawyers draw out the
process until their resources are dried up, then they are forced to
accept a very low settlement. This is the story of how it works:
Nightmare On Bay St
Steamed, the "Emperor" is. Money will lead to greed, greed will lead to stupidity
Do not underestimate the depth of my anger for the harm your firm has caused to my family and I: Six years of hell, everyday. One thing after an another
Do not underestimate the depth of my anger for the harm your firm has caused to my family and I: Six years of hell, everyday. One thing after an another
False statements Alan? I am an honorable man, I would never do such a thing. Instead I will be publishing statements from your firm, as well as all the digital information I collected from various players in this sordid episode. We will let the public decide if they are false.
Nightmare On Bay Street.
Next time you are in a catastrophic car accident, check out the background history of the law firm before you sign on the dotted line.
Next time you are in a catastrophic car accident, check out the background history of the law firm before you sign on the dotted line.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Thomson Rogers formally invited me to write a Google Review of my experience with their firm: this is it
Thomson Rogers formally invited me to write a Google Review of my experience with their firm: this is it
Having gone through two previous car accidents in our family, when it came my time, I knew what to expect: No help from:
The medical community
My Insurance company
My lawyer
The legal system: especially the legal system
I knew what I had to do: I documented and recorded every contact, every incident I had with the above; just in case they decided to screw me over again. I knew a single email or video can bring down powerful people and powerful companies. I have thousands of them, individually and collectively they tell the story of deceit, corruption, and the attempted destruction of me and my family by the very people sworn to help.
Having gone through two previous car accidents in our family, when it came my time, I knew what to expect: No help from:
The medical community
My Insurance company
My lawyer
The legal system: especially the legal system
I knew what I had to do: I documented and recorded every contact, every incident I had with the above; just in case they decided to screw me over again. I knew a single email or video can bring down powerful people and powerful companies. I have thousands of them, individually and collectively they tell the story of deceit, corruption, and the attempted destruction of me and my family by the very people sworn to help.
rich and the powerful are their own worst enemies, they are arrogant,
belligerent, and above all they have a grotesque sense of
entitlement; this inevitably can lead to reckless behaviour, and
their downfall. It's
called disease of the big mouth, they just can't help it. Capture the
moment in an email or video, and watch how hard they fall. The irony
in my case, everything on my social media is old news, it has been
posted on my facebook and blogs for the last 7 years. The only
thing my insurance company brought to the table at the settlement
meeting was one foot high stack of printout from my social media.
They thought I might be intimidated; they were wrong. It is the
only reason I won my case; nothing to do with the efforts of any of
the law firms representing me. My lawyers initially warned me about
posting this material, they ended up gloating at the settlement
meeting when we "won". We won nothing; now the same
material will shed some light on the all the other players involved.
I got the dirt on everybody in the system I had contact with. My law
firm warned me in a letter not to published anything that could
affect their reputation, they should have thought of that years ago
when they were using the same material to win my case. The tables
have turned, every time they come up with some legal mumbo jumbo to
defend their behaviour, I will post something to knock the bottom of
their feeble position. At the end of the day one of us is full of BS;
the digital media will sort it all out.
Just in case something was to happen to me, I sent copies of the entire file to points all over the world, including all the human rights agencies. This will not go away anytime soon.
Just in case something was to happen to me, I sent copies of the entire file to points all over the world, including all the human rights agencies. This will not go away anytime soon.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
There you have it, everybody can hear and see exactly what happened. This guy admits he got the file from the previous Occupational Therapist,Mary somebody, the same therapist who falsified a report to the insurance company resulting in my benefits getting cut off immediately. When they became aware of the "other video" my benefits were restored the next day. We will be addressing that matter as well. So here I am on 21 killer meds thanks to my doctor, zonked out of my mind when this guy starts plugging David MacDonald from Thomson Rogers. According to the managing partner at Thomson Rogers, this was perfectly acceptable. It was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life given the previous history I had with that firm. I succeeded in a legal action against another partner from the firm years ago.I trusted the OT, he did advise me my doctor was over medicating me and that I should "get otta Dodge" and find a new doctor; no doubt this saved my life. It was one nightmare after another from that point on. It gets better. Next thing you know he is no longer working for the insurance company, he was appointed as my new personal OT by David MacDonald. Is that even legal? Ultimately this new OT gets cold feet and ships my medical file to me and quits the file. I was horrified at the information I found in the file, I think the OT was as well.
Oh look, there's the guy that was hired by the insurance company to do "the job". Next thing you know he tells me my lawyer is not doing a good job and flips the file over to one of his pals at a competing law firm. Next thing you know, he is no longer working for the insurance company and starts working for the law firm he flipped the file to. Someone should look into it to see if that is allowed. It's one of the questions I have for the Law Society of Upper Canada.
I hired and fired 3 of the top law firms in Ontario on this file; every time they screw up. I fired the same lawyer 4 times; sent emails and threatened to fire him and expose him over 20 times. This is one of those times.
Six years later, we settled the case, obviously I was not very happy. I spent the summer getting my health back and building my case. I will be filing an official complaint with The Law Society of Upper Canada. In the meantime I will post all my documentation, video's, emails,etc. so everyone can see how the system treats severely injured people in the system.
Connecting the dots: I survived a high speed car accident, I barely survived this; let's follow the emails and see who shows up.
Until the end of time, these bastards will not be forgiven for what they did to me and my family; and thousands of other catastrophically injured Canadians and their families: Alan
Having a nice day? "I'm the top AB guy on Bay St." The biggest dirtbag on Bay St.
A lot of very bored folks down on Bay St, everybody else wants to see how this will turn out.
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