Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Reasonable Man Test

Nothing new about corruption in the system, it's always been there, and it always will be. It's human nature. Every once in a while something happens to shake things up; this is one of those times. We've all heard the expression; once bitten, twice shy, this is the third time around for me. This is where I draw my line in the sand. Our family has been severely abused and cheated by the legal system in the Province of Ontario on three separate occasions, all catastrophic car accidents all the other guys fault. We have suffered immensely.  All the matters have been settled except this one. The car insurance business is a scam at the best of times, the injured people get screwed over, the insurance company and their cohorts get rich.

I knew the only way to get justice this time around was to get the goods on the players. More importantly I had to established a clear link to the entire web of treachery, because that is where the true story lies. This is not about one corrupt insurance company, doctor, or lawyer or healthcare agency, this is about the ties that bind them together. I collected solid evidence on all the players doing some really bad things; individually, and collectively. There is no wiggle room for them this time around, my digital evidence reveals a long red line of corruption from beginning to end. Any time the rich and powerful find themselves at the center of a major scandal, they sarcastically throw out the “old conspiracy theory”. Fortunately for me, we live in the digital age, emails, video's, recordings, I intend to show the public all of it. If anybody has any doubts about my resolve to move forward against any of the “big names ”, please check out my blog roadkill911 especially medchart.jpg; dates, names, places are all posted on the blog for everybody to see. Millions have seen it over the last 5 years and are wondering WTF is going on in Canada, especially the Province of Ontario.

It is just a case of time until the media is ultimately forced to recognize these serious allegations and to investigate them. This story is not just about me, my case has been settled a long time ago. This is about the tens of thousands of Canadians that have had their lives ruined by unscrupulous insurance companies and their cohorts in the legal and medical communities. I would not advise anyone to go up against “the system” alone, especially if you like living. In my case, they already tried and failed to shut me up; check out my med chart. It is very plain to see what a certain country doctor was up to; I was severely over-medicated. A coincidence, was he working alone? At this point, the best defence is a good offence; get them before they get you. Although I don't think they are ready to give up anytime soon.

First I had to endure the accident itself, that was the easy part; brain trauma, multiple spinal cord injuries, my heart was twice its normal size; stuff happens when you hit the wall at 80 clicks. The hardest part was surviving “the system” the insurance companies, the doctors, the law firms; the people that are supposed to be there to help you when you become catastrophically impaired. Suddenly they become my worst nightmare attacking me vehemently when I was mortally injured. The best time to do the deed apparently. Now, I am hoping to be their worst nightmare; all I have to do is post the emails and videos. I will let the readership figure out for themselves what is going on.

I already spent six years fighting a couple of insurance companies and their law firms; I didn't get everything I wanted, but I sure did kick the legal crap out of them every step of the way. Check my blog Roadkill911 for the details to see how that went. A one foot high printout of my blog is about the only thing they brought with them at the settlement meeting, thinking the could intimidate me with my own blog. Lawyers eh? Now it is time to re-visit a few of the other players, the law firms, the doctors, and a few of the other bit players in “the system”. It took years for me to get my health back to a point where I could take on this formidable task. I'm ready now. The trick is to connect them all to a central web of deceit and treachery in one fell swoop. I wouldn't be doing this if I thought I could not succeed and I am most grateful for all the support from concerned people all over the world, especially Canada. I am just putting the final touches on some key documentation before I send it all off to the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Our family has been through this nightmare three times. This time I got them, the “experts did a one eighty, they flipped their opinions six years later when they were confronted with irrefutable digital evidence.  Many prominent news agencies have done documentaries about the corruption , they all concluded it only happens because the people at the top turned a blind eye.

I encountered all these people at the front end of this sordid tale; they all participated in an unmistakable pattern of behaviour; they fudged the reports; all of them. The doctor said to me shortly after the accident, “Oh there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with you, I can't hear the clicking noise (as he pressed down hard on my broken sternum). Broken sternum? I was catastrophically impaired, I had to be repositioned every hour on the hour for the next 3 months 247 and the doctor said he can't see anything wrong with me. I sent him 40 letters documenting my deteriorating health that he refused to turn over to the insurance company. The law says he had to, I guess the law doesnt apply to him. In any case my sternum was broken and my heart was twice its normal size, I had a concussion, multiple spinal cord injuries and a lot of other serious injuries. Not to mention the 21 killer meds my local country doctor had me on. I was one of the lucky one's, there are many people that are much worse off than me. In a perfect world, a catastrophically injured accident victim should just get the $2 million that they are entitled to based on an independent medical examination arms length from the insurance company. Just so everyone is clear that 2 million will not begin to cover the cost of health care for the remainder of his or her life. That is where the problem lies, the insurance industry controls the board and they have fixed the laws to enable themselves to get away with cheating the public. They dont have to report their profits and the details of the settlement meetings are all under wraps.

So, here we have it, the people at the top that are turning a blind eye; that's where this is going. I was damaged by the law firms and the way this file was handled and so were tens of thousands of other helpless Canadian families. I am saying there is well orchestrated conspiracy going on in the province. one that plays out in the province of Ontario 365 days year 24/7. Let's see what happens. If there is any justice in this world, those evil people who have cause endless pain and suffering to tens of thousands of Canadian families will be held to account.

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